【鑑賞ツアー】10/9(土)にSIDE COREによる in 京丹後の鑑賞ツアーを実施します(要予約)|A appreciation tour will be held on 10.9[SAT] (reservation required).

10月9日(土)に in 京丹後エリアの鑑賞ツアーを実施します。ガイドを担当してくださるのはゲストアーティストSIDE COREさん。各会場では参加アーティスト達による作品解説もあります。午前・午後の2回実施、各定員10名です。ぜひご予約ください。

A appreciation tour of the in Kyotango area will be held on 10.9[SAT]. Guest artist SIDE CORE will be in charge of the guide. At each exhibition site, commentary will be provided by the participating artists. The tour will be held twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. Capacity is limited to 10 people each. We are looking forward to your reservation.

in 京丹後エリア 鑑賞ツアー

集合場所|丹後鉄道・網野駅前 (Google MAP

10:00 網野駅前集合
10:10 網野駅発
10:20 浅茂川会場着
12:00 浅茂川会場発
12:15 三津漁港着 
13:00 三津漁港発
13:15 網野駅着

14:00 網野駅前集合
14:10 網野駅発
14:20 浅茂川会場着
16:00 浅茂川会場発
16:15 三津漁港着
17:00 三津漁港発
17:15 網野駅着


in Kyotango Area appreciation Tour

Date and Time|2021.10.9[SAT]
AM tour/10:00-13:15(End schedule)
PM tour/14:00-17:15(End schedule)
Capacity|10 people each
Meeting Point|Amino Station (Google MAP
Outline of the works|https://2021.alternative-kyoto.jp/exhibition/kyotango/

▼AM tour
10:00 Meet in front of Amino Station
10:10 Departure from Amino Station
10:20 Arrival at Asamogawa exhibition area
12:00 Departure from Asamogawa Exhibition area
12:15 Arrival at Mitsu fishing port exhibition area
13:00 Departure from Mitsu fishing port exhibition area
13:15 Arrival at Amino Station

▼PM tour
14:00 Meet in front of Amino Station
14:10 Departure from Amino Station
14:20 Arrival at Asamogawa exhibition area
16:00 Departure from Asamogawa Exhibition area
16:15 Arrival at Mitsu fishing port exhibition area
17:00 Departure from Mitsu fishing port exhibition area
17:15 Arrival at Amino Station

Reservation Form (Google Form)
Reservation deadline|Please apply by 11:00 a.m. the day before.